I am trying to setup an robo test with gcloud test lab following this: https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/beta/firebase/test/android/run
Even though the firebase trigger happens and sometimes the username/password fields are typed in (as seen in the video) all of them don't happen at the same time and hence the robo keeps running only in the login UI.
gcloud firebase test android run \
--type robo \
--app app/build/outputs/apk/*debug.apk \
--device model=NexusLowRes,version=26 \
--timeout 5m \
--robo-directives text:authui_sign_in_username_edit_text=username \
--robo-directives text:authui_sign_in_password_edit_text=password \
--robo-directives click:authui_sign_in_button=
Anything that I am doing wrong here?
Incidentally I also got the same problem from the testlab GUI
Two things. First, there is a non-beta version of the documentation available. Refer to this instead.
Also, note in the documentation there that --robo-directives takes:
A comma-separated (< type >:< key >=< value >) map of robo_directives that you can use to customize the behavior of Robo test.
It shows an example:
--robo-directives text:username_resource=username,text:password_resource=password
In other words, don't use multiple flags, bundle them all into the same flag in a comma-separated list.