The string is s = '[12]B1[16]M5'
I want to split it as the following results with strsplit function in R:
let <- c('[12]B', '[16]M')
num <- c(1, 5)
Thanks a lot
You could use regular expression for your task.
s = '[12]B1[16]M22'
grx <- gregexpr("\\[.+?\\].+[[:digit:]]?", s)
let <-, regmatches(s, grx))
#[1] "[12]B" "[16]M"
If you want to get all chunks (let + num), you can tweak the patter as below. This facilitates extracting the numeric part.
grx <- gregexpr("\\[.+?\\].+([[:digit:]]+)", s)
out <-, regmatches(s, grx))
num <- gsub(".+\\][[:alpha:]]+", "", out)
[1] "1" "22"