I use xepOnline Formatter library to save a specific div as PDF file when the user press on a submit button. I ask here how to make a section not visible on screen while visible on the saved file. For more details here below I have a div which contains an image & a table. On Screen I want just to show the table without the image. Image should be appeared just on the downloaded file.
<div class="confirmation" id="output">
<img src="image.jpg" class="noScreen" />
<h3>Thank you. Your booking has been confirmed</h3>
<button id="cmd">Download Invoice As PDF</button>
@media screen
@media print
$('#cmd').click(function () {
return xepOnline.Formatter.Format('output',{render:'download'});
Can somebody of you find a way to do this?
You can use media query syntax for print command show your div there.
@media print