I'm running this query with a subselect inside WHERE clause
select prot.id as id,
prot.nrProtocolo as nrProtocolo,
prot.nrAno as nrAno,
prot.cdSituacaoProtocolo as cdSituacaoProtocolo,
prot.palavraChave as palavraChave,
prot.dsObs as dsObs,
prot.dataCriacao as dataCriacao,
partAtual as participanteAtual,
assunto.id as assunto_id,
assunto.nmAssunto as assunto_nmAssunto,
tema.id as assunto_tema_id,
tema.nmTema as assunto_tema_nome
from Evento evt
inner join evt.protocolo prot
left outer join prot.assunto assunto
left outer join assunto.tema tema
inner join prot.participanteAtual partAtual
where (
(prot.participanteSubscritor.id = :participanteId and :participanteId is not null) or
(upper(prot.nmSubscritor) like :nmParticipante and :nmParticipante is not null ) or
(prot.participanteEmissor.id = :participanteId and :participanteId is not null) or
(upper(prot.nmEmissor) like :nmParticipante and :nmParticipante is not null ) or
select count(*) from ParticipanteProtocoloEntity pp where pp.protocolo.id = prot.id and
(pp.participante.id = :participanteId and :participanteId is not null) or
(upper(pp.nmParticipante) like :nmParticipante and :nmParticipante is not null) > 0
and trunc(prot.dataCriacao) >= trunc(:periodoInicial) and trunc(prot.dataCriacao) <= trunc(:periodoFinal)
and prot.cdSituacaoProtocolo <> 4
and prot.cdSituacaoProtocolo <> 8
and (prot.snExcluido is null or prot.snExcluido != 'S')
order by prot.dataCriacao desc, prot.nrProtocolo asc
But i receive this error:
Error in named query:
org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: unexpected AST node: query
When i remove the subselect the query works normally.
I cannot discover what is wrong with this part:
select count(*) from ParticipanteProtocoloEntity pp where pp.protocolo.id = prot.id and
(pp.participante.id = :participanteId and :participanteId is not null) or
(upper(pp.nmParticipante) like :nmParticipante and :nmParticipante is not null) > 0
I see that you are getting a count of ParticipanteProtocoloEntity
. But it looks malformed to me:
(UPPER(pp.nmParticipante) LIKE :nmParticipante AND :nmParticipante IS NOT NULL) > 0
looks like {boolean statement} > 0
to me. Im guessing you wanted the count(*)
to be greater than zero:
ParticipanteProtocoloEntity pp
pp.protocolo.id = prot.id
AND ((
pp.participante.id = :participanteId
AND :participanteId IS NOT NULL)
OR (
UPPER(pp.nmParticipante) LIKE :nmParticipante
AND :nmParticipante IS NOT NULL ))) > 0