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Hibernate criteria MAX of SUM

How can I achieve this HQL with criteria (JAVA)

"SELECT MAX(pointsum) FROM (SELECT SUM(h.point) as pointsum FROM HealthPoint h WHERE h.player.partner = :partner GROUP BY h.player)"

I already test this but I got that but i got property pointsum not found

DetachedCriteria detachedPlayer = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Player.class);
detachedPlayer.add(Restrictions.eq("partner", partner));

Criteria criteria = getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createCriteria(HealthPoint.class);
criteria.add(Subqueries.propertyIn("player", detachedPlayer));
ProjectionList proj = Projections.projectionList();
criteria.setProjection(Projections.alias(proj, "pointsum"));
return (Integer) criteria.uniqueResult();

Thank you in advance!


  • No supported in hql

    Subqueries in the from clause may not be possible in hql. see

    Note that HQL subqueries may occur only in the select or where clauses.

    Other options

    I have two suggestions to resolve this: order and limit the results, or create a view.

    1. Limit the results to the one you want:

      .createQuery("SELECT SUM(h.point) as pointsum FROM HealthPoint h WHERE h.player.partner = :partner GROUP BY h.player order by pointsum desc")
    2. Create a view in the database and select from that

      create view HealthPointSumsByPlayer 
        select sum(point), player_id 
        from Health_Points 
        group by player_id;

    Then select (via hql) from that.