I have a ListView and its ItemsSource.
ListView IList = new ListView();
IList.ItemsSource = _routine_names;
In order to customize the Data Template for each item I'm doing:
IList.ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(()=>
Label Routine_Name = new Label(); // should be_routine_names
return new ViewCell
View = new StackLayout{
Children = {Routine_Name}
When I run this my ListView is displayed and the list items are indeed there (they have onclick handlers that work) but there is no text, which should be whatever is in _routine_names.
My question how do I get the Label in the DataTemplate to be items in _routine_names?
The reason I'm adding a DataTemplate is so I can add swipe to delete.
You can just use the built in TextCell for what you're trying to do. It has a bindable TextProperty and an optional DetailProperty if you want a smaller text line below the main one.
IList.ItempTemplate = new DataTemplate(()=>
var textCell = new TextCell();
textCell.SetBinding(TextCell.TextProperty, ".");
return textCell;
IList.ItemsSource = _routine_names;
is of type MenuItem as seen here
Also, please notice that IList
is a name of a class in System.Collection namespace so I'd use something else there.