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JPA - Copy data between 2 different entities with a common superclass

I have a situation like this

public class BaseEntity {

   @Column(name = "COL_1)
   private String column1;

   @Column(name = "COL_2)
   private String column2;

@Table(name = "TABLE_A")
public class EntityA extends BaseEntity {
   private Long idA;

@Table(name = "TABLE_B")
public class EntityB extends BaseEntity {
   private Long idB;

Having an instance of EntityA, what I want is to create a new instance of EntityB with all the attribute inherited from superclass "copied" from the instance of EntityA, exept the EntityB specific ones.

There is a "smart" way to do this WITHOUT doing each single set/get?

N.B. The code above is just one example, in my real case the superclass has over 100 attributes...


  • Apache Beanutils library has such functionality.

    package test;
    import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
    import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils;
    EntityA instanceA = ...
    EntityB instanceB = ...
    BeanUtils.copyProperties(instanceB, instanceA);
      // exceptions are thrown when some negative situation occur.
      // I have no knowledge r/o property (having only getter) is not set / thow exception
      //You should review, how this automatic task is executed in Your scenario. But it is auto 