I have a multi-line JSON file with records that contain special characters encoded as hexadecimals. Here is an example of a single JSON record:
{\x22value\x22:\x22\xC4\xB1arines Bint\xC4\xB1\xC3\xA7 Ramu\xC3\xA7lar\x22}
This record is supposed to be {"value":"ıarines Bintıç Ramuçlar"}
, e.g. '"' character are replaced with corresponding hexadecimal \x22 and other special Unicode characters are replaced with one or two hexadecimals (for instance \xC3\xA7 encodes ç, etc.)
I need to convert similar Strings into a regular Unicode String in Scala, so when printed it produced {"value":"ıarines Bintıç Ramuçlar"}
without hexadecimals.
In Python I can easily decode these records with a line of code:
>>> a = "{\x22value\x22:\x22\xC4\xB1arines Bint\xC4\xB1\xC3\xA7 Ramu\xC3\xA7lar\x22}"
>>> a.decode("utf-8")
u'{"value":"\u0131arines Bint\u0131\xe7 Ramu\xe7lar"}'
>>> print a.decode("utf-8")
{"value":"ıarines Bintıç Ramuçlar"}
But in Scala I can't find a way to decode it. I unsuccessfully tried to convert it like this:
scala> val a = """{\x22value\x22:\x22\xC4\xB1arines Bint\xC4\xB1\xC3\xA7 Ramu\xC3\xA7lar\x22}"""
scala> print(new String(a.getBytes(), "UTF-8"))
{\x22value\x22:\x22\xC4\xB1arines Bint\xC4\xB1\xC3\xA7 Ramu\xC3\xA7lar\x22}
I also tried URLDecoder as I found in solution for similar problem (but with URL):
scala> val a = """{\x22value\x22:\x22\xC4\xB1arines Bint\xC4\xB1\xC3\xA7 Ramu\xC3\xA7lar\x22}"""
scala> print(java.net.URLDecoder.decode(a.replace("\\x", "%"), "UTF-8"))
{"value":"ıarines Bintıç Ramuçlar"}
It produced the desired result for this example but is seems not safe for generic text fields since it designed to work with URLs and requires replacing all \x
to %
in the string.
Does Scala have some better way to deal with this issue?
I am new to Scala and will be thankful for any help
I have made a custom solution with javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.parseHexBinary
. It works for now, but it seems cumbersome and not at all elegant. I think there should be a simpler way to do this.
Here is the code:
import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.matching.Regex
def decodeHexChars(string: String): String = {
val regexHex: Regex = """\A\\[xX]([0-9a-fA-F]{1,2})(.*)""".r
def purgeBuffer(buffer: String, acc: List[Char]): List[Char] = {
if (buffer.isEmpty) acc
else new String(DatatypeConverter.parseHexBinary(buffer)).reverse.toList ::: acc
def traverse(s: String, acc: List[Char], buffer: String): String = s match {
case "" =>
val accUpdated = purgeBuffer(buffer, acc)
accUpdated.foldRight("")((str, b) => b + str)
case regexHex(chars, suffix) =>
traverse(suffix, acc, buffer + chars)
case _ =>
val accUpdated = purgeBuffer(buffer, acc)
traverse(s.tail, s.head :: accUpdated, "")
traverse(string, Nil, "")
Each \x??
encodes one byte, like \x22
encodes "
and \x5C
encodes \
. But in UTF-8 some characters are encoded using multiple bytes, so you need to transform \xC4\xB1
to ı
symbol and so on.
is really nice, but it might eat your slashes. So, if you don't use groups (like \1
) in a replaced string, quoteReplacement
is a recommended way to escape \
and $
/** "22" -> 34, "AA" -> -86 */
def hex2byte(hex: String) = Integer.parseInt(hex, 16).toByte
/** decode strings like \x22 or \xC4\xB1\xC3\xA7 to specified encoding */
def decodeHexadecimals(str: String, encoding: String="UTF-8") =
new String(str.split("""\\x""").tail.map(hex2byte), encoding)
/** fix weird strings */
def replaceHexadecimals(str: String, encoding: String="UTF-8") =
"""(\\x[\dA-F]{2})+""".r.replaceAllIn(str, m =>
decodeHexadecimals(m.group(0), encoding)))
P.S. Does anyone know the difference between java.util.regex.Matcher.quoteReplacement
and scala.util.matching.Regex.quoteReplacement