I am trying to get the current location latitude and longitude values. is there any method to get lat and long values? I am trying to put maker by getting latitude and longitude value of current position.
Not sure exactly what you're looking for but here are a couple of ways to get lat long based on mouse click or location:
Mouse Click Lat and Lon:
map.on('click', function(evt){
var coords = ol.proj.toLonLat(evt.coordinate);
var lat = coords[1];
var lon = coords[0];
var locTxt = "Latitude: " + lat + " Longitude: " + lon;
// coords is a div in HTML below the map to display
document.getElementById('coords').innerHTML = locTxt;
Mouse move/location lat and long:
map.on('pointermove', function(evt) {
//Same code as in click event
Not exactly sure what "getting latitude and longitude value of current position." means in your post