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Loop over results of prepared statement query inside stored procedure

I have a stored function, whose job it is to go through and analyse a lot of data from several tables. While most tables are static - and I can declare cursors to loop over the data - there are some tables that are not known in advance, specifically, language set tables (e.g. language_en, language_fr, etc.) that is, at the time the stored function is written, I do not know which of these tables will be present.

In the stored function itself, I can do this:

declare cLang cursor for
    SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables
    WHERE table_schema=database() and table_name like 'language_%';

declare continue handler for not found set exit_loop = true;

open cLang;
set exit_loop = false;
cLang_loop: loop
    fetch cLang into str;

end loop;

This way, I can loop over all language tables present in the database. Then I need to get the data from each of them and loop over it doing my analysis. Obviously, I can't declare a cursor for each of them, because I don't know which tables are there. I can use prepared statements though:

fetch cLang into tableName;

set @stmt_text = concat("SELECT t_code, t_string FROM ", str);
prepare stmt from @stmt_text;
execute stmt using @scId;

But now, how do I loop over the results of this query?


  • The way I ended up doing it is this. Instead of creating a dynamic cursor to query the table, I have a predefined temporary table and declare a cursor over that table. Then the dynamic sql inserts into the temp table and a regular cursor iterates over it. Something like this:

    declare cLang cursor for
        SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema=database() and table_name like 'language_%';
    declare cCode cursor for
        SELECT t_code, t_string FROM tmp_lang;
    declare continue handler for not found set exit_loop = true;
    open cLang;
    set exit_loop = false;
    cLang_loop: loop
        fetch cLang into str;
        if exit_loop then
            close cLang;
            leave cLang_loop;
            create temporary table tmp_lang (t_code varchar(50), t_string varchar(2000));
            set @stmt_text = concat(
                'insert into tmp_lang (t_code, t_string) SELECT t_code, t_string
                from ', str);
            prepare stmt from @stmt_text;
            execute stmt;
            if (select count(1) from tmp_lang) > 0 then
                open cCode;
                cCode_loop: loop
                    fetch cCode into lCode, lString;
                    if exit_loop then
                        close cCode;
                        set exit_loop = false;
                        leave cCode_loop;
                        -- now I can do whatever I need with the data
                    end if;
                end loop;
            end if;
            deallocate prepare stmt;
            drop table tmp_lang;
        end if;
    end loop;