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How do I migrate a legacy XPCOM extension to WebExtensions?

Embedded WebExtensions talks all about how to "... embed a WebExtension in a classic bootstrapped extension or an Add-on SDK add-on."

But I've got neither a "bootstrapped" nor "Add-on SDK" extension, just a decade old plain old XPCOM/overlay extension. I don't have a bootstrap.js to have a startup, nor do I use the Add-on SDK for whatever it does.

I tried adding


But all that accomplishes is completely destroying the extension, it only loads that (empty) new bootstrap.js file.

Indeed, I want to migrate: The data that my classic extension has needs to be exported to the webext version, for good user experience.


  • At our tracking bug a user has posted a helpful link:

    Which boils down to

    const {
    } = Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/LegacyExtensionsUtils.jsm");
    const myOverlayEmbeddedWebExtension = LegacyExtensionsUtils.getEmbeddedExtensionFor({
      id: addonId, resourceURI: baseURI,
    myOverlayEmbeddedWebExtension.startup().then(({browser}) => {
      dump(`${addonId} - embedded webext started\n`);
      browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(msg => {
        dump(`${addonId} - received message from embedded webext ${msg}\n`);
    }).catch(err => {
        `${addonId} - embedded webext startup failed: ${err.message} ${err.stack}\n`

    Which is surely the equivalent of what the bootstrap/SDK code is doing for you.