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Apple Mach-O Linker Error Using JUCE And Heavy-Compiler

I am currently writing a super basic plugin using the JUCE framework and C code generated from a the Heavy Pure Data Online Compiler. The source code builds fine, however no standalone application, AudioUnit or VST are created by Xcode. My guess is that the project is not setup properly to use the included code, however I am still learning my way around Xcode and can't seem to work out what the problem is to fix the below errors. Any suggestions on how I can fix this?

Edit: Finally started using git and uploaded the project to GitHub here.


  • The projucer file you included is missing the heavy source folder. Add them in projucer on the left side in the file explorer area (right click in the file area on source and choose add existing files...

    Hint the save and open in ide icon on top of the window

    and there you go ... no linker error.

    tested with XCode 8.3.3

    Two remarks:

    • Never add files anywhere else than in projucer
    • You can´t use XCode 9 beta with JUCE