What is the idiomatic way of returning the next item in collection, given a member in a collection?
For example, given (def coll [:a :b :c :d :e :f])
, what should the f
be to make (f coll :d)
return :e
As @amalloy said in his answer, this isn't something for which you would want to use the original data structure, because it would require a linear lookup every time. In other words, your (f coll :d)
pattern wouldn't be a particularly useful thing due to its performance.
However, what you could do is define a function that, given a collection, builds a data structure that makes this sort of lookup efficient, and use that as your function. It might look something like this:
(defn after [xs]
(into {} (map vec (partition 2 1 xs))))
(-> [:a :b :c :d :e :f] after :d)
;;=> :e
(let [xs [:a :b :c :d :e :f]
f (after xs)]
(map f xs))
;;=> (:b :c :d :e :f nil)