I have several subreports and all of these subreports are contained in separate bands.
For example:
<band height="500">
<reportElement isPrintRepeatedValues="false" x="-10" y="0" width="325" height="1" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="true" backcolor="#ffcc99"/>
<subreportExpression class="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport">
<break type="Page">
<reportElement x="-10" y="1" width="325" height="1" key="element-1"/>
<band height="500">
<reportElement isPrintRepeatedValues="false" x="-10" y="1" width="325" height="1" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="true" backcolor="#ffcc99"/>
<subreportExpression class="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport">
<break type="Page">
<reportElement x="-10" y="1" width="325" height="1" key="element-2"/>
<band height="500">
<reportElement isPrintRepeatedValues="false" x="-10" y="1" width="325" height="1" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="true" backcolor="#ffcc99"/>
<subreportExpression class="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport">
<break type="Page">
<reportElement x="-10" y="1" width="325" height="1" key="element-3"/>
If the subreport doesn't contains elements, I would like to hide the element band
I added the variable SUB_REPORT_ROW_CNT
to the subreport and linked it to the variable REPORT_COUNT
, which contains the number of rows in the report (in the subreport in this case).
<variable name="SUB_REPORT_ROW_CNT" class="java.lang.Integer" resetType="Report" calculation="Nothing">
In every band of the master report I added the following:
<band height="500">
<printWhenExpression><![CDATA[$V{SUB_REPORT_ROW_CNT} != 0]]></printWhenExpression>
<reportElement isPrintRepeatedValues="false" x="-10" y="1" width="325" height="1" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="true" backcolor="#ffcc99"/>
<returnValue subreportVariable="SUB_REPORT_ROW_CNT" toVariable="SUB_REPORT_ROW_CNT"/>
<subreportExpression class="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport">
<break type="Page">
<reportElement x="-10" y="1" width="325" height="1" key="element-2"/>
But the expression $V{SUB_REPORT_ROW_CNT} != 0
is always evaluated as false
And if I print the value of a variable by using the next block, I always get a null
<reportElement x="8" y="40" width="540" height="18" />
<textElement textAlignment="Center" verticalAlignment="Middle"/>
What could be the error?.. How to return values from subreport to hide empty bands?..
I would be very grateful for the information. Thanks to all.
I would suggest to use your already existing parameters instead of using a variable, that makes it unnecessarily complicated
of the band which you want to hide:
<band height="500">
<printWhenExpression><![CDATA[$P{DepartmentASubReportData} != null]]></printWhenExpression>
<band height="500">
<printWhenExpression><![CDATA[$P{DepartmentASubReport} != null]]></printWhenExpression>
Of course you need to pass this parameters with NULL
as value if there are no entries for the subreport to hide the band. That works for me and is a really easy solution.