I am using Spring Batch to read some data from CSV files and put it in a database. My Batch job must be compound of 2 steps :
Step 2
must not be executed if Step 1
generated an error (files are not conform, files doesn't exist ...)
FYI, I am using Spring Batch without XML configuration ! Only annotations : Here's what my job config class looks like :
public class ProductionOutConfig {
private StepBuilderFactory steps;
private JobBuilderFactory jobBuilderFactory;
private ProductionOutTasklet productionOutTasklet;
private CheckFilesForProdTasklet checkFilesForProdTasklet;
public Job productionOutJob(@Qualifier("productionOut")Step productionOutStep,
@Qualifier("checkFilesForProd") Step checkFilesForProd){
return jobBuilderFactory.get("productionOutJob").start(checkFilesForProd).next(productionOutStep).build();
public Step productionOutStep(){
return steps.get("productionOut").
@Bean(name = "checkFilesForProd")
public Step checkFilesForProd(){
return steps.get("checkFilesForProd")
What you are looking for is already the default behavior of Spring Batch i.e. next step wouldn't be executed if previous step has failed. To mark current step as failed step, you need to throw a run time exception which is not caught.
If exception is not handled, spring batch will mark that step as failed and next step wouldn't be executed. So all you need to do is to throw an exception on your failed scenarios.
For complicated job flows , you might like to use - JobExecutionDecider , Programmatic Flow Decisions