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How to parse specific line in a text file in c#

I need to parse a specific lines in a text file in which to begin by a specific words as in the following image :

enter image description here

I need to parse the lines that begins by "Level" only and extract the value of "Row" and "Col" only. Note that the text file will contain 6 groups of such data where each group starts by

---------------- chromosome : # ------------------

See the following sample : Sample

I need to save each group's row and columns in a separated list for each!!. Is there any way to perform this ?

I tried the following method :

public List<int[,]> getValuesFromTextFile(String filePath ) {

     IEnumerable<string> allLines = Enumerable.Empty<string>();

     List<int[,]> path = new List<int[,]>();

     int[,] item = new int[2,1];

    if (File.Exists(filePath))

                    //Read all content of the files and store it to the list split with new line 
                    allLines = File.ReadLines(filePath);
                    //all Level lines
                IEnumerable<string> levelLines = allLines.Where(d => d.StartsWith("Level", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
                foreach(string line in levelLines)

                     string[] values= line.Split(':');//either space or tab or others as your file contain seperator  

                     for(int i=1; i <values.Length;i++)  {

                     string value = values[i];// skip index 0,it contains label, remaining are point data

                     if (i == 3) item[1,0] = Int32.Parse(value);

                     if (i == 5 && item[1,0] != null ) { item[0,0] = Int32.Parse(value);




                return path;


I got the following error at line( if (i == 3) item[1,0] = Int32.Parse(value); ) :

Input string was not in a correct format.

When I put a break point at this line I saw that the value of string "value" equal to null!!.

When I added a break point to see all lines list contents, I got as in the following image :

enter image description here

The above method needs to parse each group of levels separately!!.


  • You can use a named group Regex to parse the lines and build out a list of records.

    void Main()
        var file = File.ReadLines(@"C:\TreeParser.txt");
        var groupRegex = new Regex(@"Chromosome : (?<Chromosome>[0-9])");
        var recordRegex = new Regex(@"Level : '(?<Level>[0-9])', Row : '(?<Row>[0-9])', Col : '(?<Col>[0-9])'");
        var groups = new List<Group>();
        foreach (var line in file)
            var groupMatch = groupRegex.Match(line);
            if (groupMatch.Success)
                groups.Add(new Group
                    Chromosome = int.Parse(groupMatch.Groups["Chromosome"].Value),
                    Records = new List<Record>()
            var recordMatch = recordRegex.Match(line);
            if (!recordMatch.Success)
                // No match was found
            var level = new Record
                Level = int.Parse(recordMatch.Groups["Level"].Value),
                Row = int.Parse(recordMatch.Groups["Row"].Value),
                Col = int.Parse(recordMatch.Groups["Col"].Value)
        // groups now contains a list of each section from the file with a list of records
    public class Record
        public int Level { get; set; }
        public int Row { get; set; }
        public int Col { get; set; }
    public class Group
        public int Chromosome { get; set; }
        public List<Record> Records { get; set; }