I am trying out the new JSONDecoder() in swift 4 and am trying to parse the following flickr API response : (https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?api_key=api_key&method=flickr.photos.search&format=json&per_page=25&text=hello&nojsoncallback=1). However I get an error saying that "error processing json data: The data couldn’t be read because it isn’t in the correct format." However the data seems to be in the correct format to me. Am I doing anything wrong?
let dataTask = session.dataTask(with: urlRequest) { (data, response, error) in
if let error = error {
print("json error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
} else if let data = data {
do {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let flickrPhotos = try decoder.decode(FlickrImageResult.self, from: data)
} catch {
print("json error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
My data models are
struct FlickrImageResult : Codable {
var photos : FlickrPhoto? = nil
struct FlickrPhoto : Codable {
var photo : [FlickrURLs]? = nil
struct FlickrURLs: Codable {
var id : String? = nil
var owner: String? = nil
var secret: String? = nil
var server: String? = nil
var farm: String? = nil
I changed the number of images requested to 2 and Printing out the data returns Optional({"photos":{"page":1,"pages":120197,"perpage":2,"total":"240393","photo":[{"id":"36729752762","owner":"152440263@N02","secret":"e62ba3e18b","server":"4432","farm":5,"title":"Hello there","ispublic":1,"isfriend":0,"isfamily":0},{"id":"36729384952","owner":"141041947@N06","secret":"bc0e5af630","server":"4380","farm":5,"title":"POST\ud83d\udd25 #891 | Hello Tuesday | Krescendo","ispublic":1,"isfriend":0,"isfamily":0}]},"stat":"ok"})
The only problem with your model is that farm
is actually an Int
. Here's a more complete version of your model accoirding to the docs (https://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.photos.search.html):
struct FlickrImageResult: Codable {
let photos : FlickrPagedImageResult?
let stat: String
struct FlickrPagedImageResult: Codable {
let photo : [FlickrURLs]
let page: Int
let pages: Int
let perpage: Int
let total: String
struct FlickrURLs: Codable {
let id : String
let owner: String
let secret: String
let server: String
let farm: Int
// let title: String
// If needed, camel-case and use CodingKeys enum
//let ispublic: Int
//let isfriend: Int
//let isfamily: Int
let jsonData = """
"photos": {
"page": 1,
"pages": 13651,
"perpage": 25,
"total": "341263",
"photo": [
"id": "36499638920",
"owner": "55126206@N07",
"secret": "7e82dee0ba",
"server": "4346",
"farm": 5,
"title": "[BREATHE]-Ririko,Sayaka&Chiyoko",
"ispublic": 1,
"isfriend": 0,
"isfamily": 0
"id": "36724435032",
"owner": "92807782@N04",
"secret": "6d830d4a75",
"server": "4354",
"farm": 5,
"title": "Serendipity Designs @ SWANK August 2017",
"ispublic": 1,
"isfriend": 0,
"isfamily": 0
"id": "36087089863",
"owner": "152685136@N08",
"secret": "a4a3f2fe0a",
"server": "4365",
"farm": 5,
"title": "Hello Kitty Scooter",
"ispublic": 1,
"isfriend": 0,
"isfamily": 0
"id": "36086949593",
"owner": "151818203@N02",
"secret": "fc1207d373",
"server": "4334",
"farm": 5,
"title": "Hip, Hip! It's Chip!",
"ispublic": 1,
"isfriend": 0,
"isfamily": 0
"id": "36498504410",
"owner": "148300038@N02",
"secret": "5c7f6ff3e1",
"server": "4391",
"farm": 5,
"title": "Hello Kotti",
"ispublic": 1,
"isfriend": 0,
"isfamily": 0
"stat": "ok"
""".data(using: .utf8)!
let flickrPhotos = try! JSONDecoder().decode(FlickrImageResult.self, from: jsonData)
P.S: The message error processing json data: The data couldn’t be read because it isn’t in the correct format.
is the localized error message, use print(error)
instead of print(errorlocalizedDescription)
to obtain all the error data available (in your case, it will print that there's an issue when trying to decode the farm key).