I was wondering how to remove times e.g. (5pm to 9am) from a time series in JFreeChart
. I have tried this:
SegmentedTimeline baseTimeLine = new SegmentedTimeline(
However, I don't think this is what is needed to remove time periods.
, seen here, is a good example from which to start. In this example, newWorkdayTimeline()
creates a new SegmentedTimeline
that includes 8 hours and excludes 16 hours. It then starts on Monday after the prescribed number of hours have passed. It then chains a newMondayThroughFridayTimeline()
to get weekdays, 9-5.
public static SegmentedTimeline newWorkdayTimeline() {
SegmentedTimeline timeline = new SegmentedTimeline(
SegmentedTimeline.HOUR_SEGMENT_SIZE, 8, 16);
+ 8 * timeline.getSegmentSize());
return timeline;
Starting form this example, I plotted a week of random hourly data. Zoom in on the domain axis to see the effect. I've included a continuous dataset to make it easier to see the segment borders.
private static final int N = 168; // a week
private static JFreeChart buildChart(
XYPlot plot = chart.getXYPlot();
((DateAxis) plot.getDomainAxis()).setTimeline(newWorkdayTimeline());
return chart;