I'm facing a problem with slow times creating XLS/XLSX reports using Maatwebsite plugin for Laravel (around 5 - 30, 30 - 60 mins depending on the conditions of the report) which is a lot of time!!.
Searching through the web I encountered that Maatwebsite uses PHPExcel, which is slow and memory consuming if there's a lot or registers in the generation of the XLS/XLSX file.
Checking times, I have encountered that my queries grow almost exponentially because of nested foreach loops, the basic generation of the report is this:
$clients = Client::all(); // can change depending on conditions, worse case with all clients
Excel::create('Client Statement', function($excel) use ($clients) {
$excel->sheet('Sheet 1', function($sheet) {
$row = 1; // row number
foreach($clients as $client) {
$sheet->row($row++, [$client->data1,...,$client->dataN]);
$charges = Charge::get_ByClient($client->id);
foreach($charges as $charge) {
$sheet->row($row++, [$charge->data1,...,$charge->dataN]);
$payments = Payment::get_ByCharge($charge->id);
foreach($payments as $payment) {
$sheet->row($row++, [$payment->data1,...,$payment->dataN]);
The basic explination is:
The problem is, I have around 1500 clients, every client can have betwee 10 - 100 charges, and every charge can have between 1 - 5 payments which results in slow performance. To that, sum the time the library takes to generate the XLS/XLSX file.
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Just to clarify this, I indeed used Eloquent's relationships as @Mark Baker suggested to speed up things, my problem was the typical N + 1 Problem. To resolve this issue I used Laravel's Eager Loading