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Filter pcaps containing a MAC address substring

The script (macOS) is called as such:

./Sharksort <all or part of wlan.addr> file-name
example: ./Sharkesort 42:80 Store-1-pass1.pcapng

The output should be all traffic to/from clients containing 42:80 in their hardware address.

for stream in tshark -r $2 -Y "wlan.addr contains $1";
  tshark -r $2 -w client-$1.pcapng;

I am getting the following:

tshark: An error occurred while writing to the file "client-42:80.pcapng": Internal error.
tshark: An error occurred while writing to the file "client-42:80.pcapng": Internal error.
tshark: An error occurred while writing to the file "client-42:80.pcapng": Internal error.

The output file contains only the 1st few packets. Thanks for your help.


  • Why the for loop? Why not just do this?

    tshark -r $2 -Y "wlan.addr contains $1" -w client-$1.pcapng