In this example, the initial fontSize
is Medium
. This is reflected in the size of the font, but the medium radio button is not selected. Is there a way to make the radio button always reflect the current fontSize
Is this what you were looking for?
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ fieldset []
[ radio "Small" (model.fontSize == Small) (SwitchTo Small)
, radio "Medium"(model.fontSize == Medium) (SwitchTo Medium)
, radio "Large" (model.fontSize == Large) (SwitchTo Large)
, Markdown.toHtml [ sizeToStyle model.fontSize ] model.content
radio : String -> Bool > msg -> Html msg
radio value isChecked msg =
[ style [("padding", "20px")]
[ input [ type_ "radio", name "font-size", onInput msg, checked isChecked ] []
, text value
Note that I changed onClick to onInput, which I think is better practise for form selections.
As an aside, I tend to put the msg parameter at the beginning of the type signature as that's the least likely to be part of a pipeline of functions:
radio : msg -> Bool -> String -> Html msg