Here's a sample of my code:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<div class="box not-selected" id="box1">
<a href="#" id="clone_once1" class="favorite"></a>
<div class="box not-selected" id="box2">
<a href="#" id="clone_once2" class="favorite"></a>
<div class="box" id="fav"></div>
$('#clone_once1').on('click', function(){
// Clone div
var add = $(this).parent();
var boxContent = ($(this).clone(true).addClass('selected').removeClass('not-selected'));
var get = $('#fav').append($(boxContent)).html();
localStorage.setItem('clicked1', get);
// Append item if localstorage is detected = Box1 Clone
if (localStorage["clicked1"]) {
$('#clone_once2').on('click', function(){
var add_2 = $(this).parent();
var boxContent_2 = ($(this).clone(true).addClass('selected').removeClass('not-selected'));
var get_2 = $('#fav').append($(boxContent_2)).html();
localStorage.setItem('clicked2', get_2);
// Append item if localstorage is detected = Box2 Clone
if (localStorage["clicked2"]) {
Let's say I click in the a tag within the #box1 and then in the #box2.
The first value is picked right (#box1.html), however when I click on the second one it picks the html of the previous div clicked and then adds the new one (#box1.html, #box2.html). So in the end, when I refresh the page I get 3 divs, which is something I don't want to see. I need only these two divs to show.
How to prevent from this to happen?
I'm quite new to js and I would appreciate any help on this matter.
You are facing issue because you are appending content to #fav and then putting those in local storage, In below code on every click i have made #fav empty, So now every time you add anything old content will get removed.
$('#clone_once1').on('click', function(){
// Clone div
// var objTemp = $('#fav').html("");//change
var add = $(this).parent();
var boxContent = ($(this).clone(true).addClass('selected').removeClass('not-selected'));
//var get = $('#fav').append($(boxContent)).html();
var get = $(boxContent).html().trim();
var temp = localStorage.getItem('clicked1');
var tempArray = [];
tempArray[0] = get;
localStorage.setItem('clicked1', JSON.stringify(tempArray));
var tempArray = JSON.parse(temp);
localStorage.setItem('clicked1', JSON.stringify(tempArray));
// Append item if localstorage is detected = Box1 Clone
if (localStorage["clicked1"]) {
var tempHtml = "";
tempHtml += '<div class="box not-selected" id="box2">'+JSON.parse(localStorage["clicked1"])[i]+'</div>';
$("#clone_once2").on('click', function(){
var add_2 = $(this).parent();
var boxContent_2 = ($(this).clone(true).addClass('selected').removeClass('not-selected'));
//var get_2 = $('#fav').append($(boxContent_2)).html();
var get_2 = $(boxContent_2).html().trim();
//localStorage.setItem('clicked2', get_2);
var temp = localStorage.getItem('clicked2');
var tempArray = [];
tempArray[0] = get_2;
localStorage.setItem('clicked2', JSON.stringify(tempArray));
var tempArray = JSON.parse(temp);
localStorage.setItem('clicked2', JSON.stringify(tempArray));
// Append item if localstorage is detected = Box2 Clone
if (localStorage["clicked2"]) {
var tempHtml = "";
tempHtml += '<div class="box not-selected" id="box2">'+JSON.parse(localStorage["clicked2"])[i]+'</div>';