I have an Angular2 app using PrimeNg components. Specifically, a simple datatable as follows:
<p-dataTable selectionMode="single" [value]="data" [(selection)]="selected" (onRowSelect)="handleRowSelect($event)">
<p-column [style]="{width: '15rem'}" field="name" header="Name"> </p-column>
<p-column [style]="{width: '15rem'}" field="color" header="Color"></p-column>
<p-column [style]="{width: '30rem'}" field="comments" header="Comments"></p-column>
So far so good but I would like to add some space/margin between each of the rows. I've tried adding margin or padding to the .ui-widget-content
class, to no avail. Other changes to this class (and others) work perfectly, but I can't find whatever element controls the margin between rows.
You can try the following. Wrap your code inside a div like this :
<div class="table-with-margin">
<p-dataTable selectionMode="single" [value]="data" [(selection)]="selected" (onRowSelect)="handleRowSelect($event)">
<p-column [style]="{width: '15rem'}" field="name" header="Name"> </p-column>
<p-column [style]="{width: '15rem'}" field="color" header="Color"></p-column>
<p-column [style]="{width: '30rem'}" field="comments" header="Comments"></p-column>
and add the following CSS :
.table-with-margin table {
border-spacing: 0 1em !important;
border-collapse: separate;
Which basically finds any descendant of this div that is a table element, and changes its border-spacing style.