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InDesign scripts: paste into frames

I'm working on a script which pastes my clipboard in every selected frame. After searching around I didn't figure out how to paste something into a frame (or polygon).

I'm stuck at something like this:

function pasteSelection(mySelection) {
    for (var i = mySelection.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
        mySelection[i].contents = app.paste();

What should mySelection[i].contents = app.paste() be?


  • Here's something that will help, based on another answer I provided not long ago. For this snippet to paste anything, you MUST HAVE SELECTED TEXT in your Document. That's how this snippet know where to paste.

    var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
    if(app.documents.length != 0){
        if(app.selection.length == 1){
                var frame1 = app.selection[0];
                frame1 = app.paste();//works
                //app.pasteWithoutFormatting(frame1);;works too
                alert ("Exception : " + e, "Exception");
        alert ("Please select text", "Selection");
        alert("Something wrong");

    Updated following comment: For this snippet I created an indesign document into which I created 2 objects. One object is a textBox into which I typed a bunch of text, and the second item is simply just a polygon I drew below the textBox. I did not set the content type of the polygon, I simply drew the polygon. In order to effectively find the pageItems I actually want and need, I used Script Labels, though using labels is not mandatory. As long as you have a mechanism to know you're dealing with the right object.

    The idea behind this snippet is really simple:

    1. Select the Source object
    2. Copy the selected object
    3. Select the Destination object
    4. Paste into the selected object


    var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
    var source;
    var destination;
    for(var i = 0; i < myDoc.pageItems.length; i++)
        if(myDoc.pageItems[i].label == "source") 
            source = myDoc.pageItems[i];
            app.selection = myDoc.pageItems[i];
        else if(myDoc.pageItems[i].label == "destination")
            destination = myDoc.pageItems[i];
        if(source !== undefined && destination !== undefined)
    app.selection = destination;