I need to push my new object in array of objects and check: if new object doesnt overlap objects that exists by start and end values. I write this one. Can i make it shorter? Or maybe there is better method to do it?
let arr = [
start: 0,
end: 10
start: 30,
end: 40
start: 60,
end: 70
start: 100,
end: 110
start: 140,
end: 150
start: 180,
end: 190
let objToPush = {
start: 45,
end: 50
if (!arr.find(o => objToPush.start > o.start && objToPush.start < o.end)) {
if (!arr.find(o => objToPush.end > o.start && objToPush.end < o.end)) {
} else {
console.log('not push');
} else {
console.log('not push');
Ashish hit the nail on the head, and that overlap comparison is awesome!
For anyone who needs it fast:
const overlaps = (obj1, obj2) => (
obj1.start < obj2.end && obj1.end > obj2.start
const overlapExists = (arr, newObj) => (
arr.some(obj => overlaps(obj, newObj))
This is assuming that:
value that's less than or equal to their end