I'm trying to implement searching of users by mulitple attributes. Let's say, my Person has Name and Lastname. I want to type 'Michael Doe' and list all persons with this name and lastname. When I type only 'Michael', I want all Michaels and so on.
I tried to make it possible by using Predicates like:
private static Specification<UserEntity> containsTextInAttributes(List<String> text, List<String> attributes) {
List<String> finalTextArray = text.stream().map(e -> "%"+e+"%").collect(Collectors.toList());
return (root, query, builder) -> builder.or(root.getModel().getDeclaredSingularAttributes().stream()
.filter(a -> attributes.contains(a.getName()))
.map(a -> builder.or(finalTextArray.stream().map(e -> builder.like(root.get(a.getName()), e)).toArray(Predicate[]::new)))
public static Specification<UserEntity> containsTextInAllAttributes(List<String> text) {
return containsTextInAttributes(text, Arrays.asList("lastname", "firstname", "email", "phoneNumber"));
However, when I search 'Michael Doe" I have all Michaels and all with Lastname Doe. How can I solve my problem?
Thank you in advance for help.
I. "Michael D", "firstName", "lastName"
, or "mdoe@gmail", "email"
public <T> Specification<T> dynamicLike(String likeValue, String... properties) {
return (Root<T> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder cb) -> {
Expression<String> concat = null;
for (String property : properties) {
if (concat == null) {
concat = cb.concat("", root.get(property));
} else {
concat = cb.concat(concat, cb.concat(" ", root.get(property)));
return cb.like(cb.lower(concat), "%" + likeValue.toLowerCase() + "%");
II. "Mic Do @gmail", "firstName", "lastName", "email"
public <T> Specification<T> dynamicLike2(String value, String... properties) {
return (Root<T> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder cb) -> {
String[] values = value.split("\\s");
int minNumber = Integer.min(values.length, properties.length);
Predicate[] likes = new Predicate[minNumber];
for (int i = 0; i < minNumber; i++) {
likes[i] = cb.like(cb.lower(root.get(properties[i])), "%" + values[i].toLowerCase() + "%");
return cb.and(likes);