The DateTimeConverter class provides conversions between DateTime and string. I would also like to support conversions between DateTime and double.
According to MSDN I can extend the DateTimeConverter class to do this - see MSDN DateTimeConverter
I have created a class that inherits from DateTimeConverter and provides the appropriate overrides for CanConvertTo, CanConvertFrom, etc.
How do I make sure that the framework uses my DateTime converter (DateTimeConverterEx) instead of the one provided in the BCL (DateTimeConverter) when the code below is called?
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
// This line returns a DateTimeConverter which I don't want.
// Would like to get a DateTimeConverterEx.
TypeConverter tc = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(dt);
double dbl = (double)tc.ConvertTo(dt, typeof(double));
You need to allocate the converter. On a property-by-property basis, you can use:
public DateTime Foo {get {...} set {...}}
This would then work for usage of the form:
var prop = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(obj)["Foo"];
var converter = prop.Converter;
// as before, using "converter"
This will work for most common binding scenarios.
To set the converter for any DateTime
new TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(DateTimeConverterEx)));
Now your sample code should work.