When I bind the data collection to my data grid its not show the data instead of data it show the model class name how many row i have that much of time. I tried the normal WPF Data Grid and Dev Express Data Grid both but anything is not working to me.
Using WPF DataGrid
<DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding EmpDetails}" AutoGenerateColumns="True"/>
Using Dev Express DataGrid
<dxg:GridControl ItemsSource="{Binding EmpDetails}" AutoPopulateColumns="True" AutoGenerateColumns="AddNew" >
<dxg:TableView />
I have 2 record in my collection please find below image
Dev Express DataGrid run time Image:
WPF DataGrid run time Image:
Thanks for your spending time to my question.
Put the EmployeeDetails is Observable Collection and All the Columns of the table write as the Property with OnPropertyChange include the Model Class.
private string firstName;
public string FirstName
get {return firstName;}
set { firstName = value; OnPropertyChange("FirstName");}