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DataGrid is not show the data instead its show Model Class Name

When I bind the data collection to my data grid its not show the data instead of data it show the model class name how many row i have that much of time. I tried the normal WPF Data Grid and Dev Express Data Grid both but anything is not working to me.


Using WPF DataGrid

 <DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding EmpDetails}" AutoGenerateColumns="True"/>

Using Dev Express DataGrid

 <dxg:GridControl ItemsSource="{Binding EmpDetails}" AutoPopulateColumns="True" AutoGenerateColumns="AddNew" >
                                <dxg:TableView />

I have 2 record in my collection please find below image

Dev Express DataGrid run time Image:

WPF DataGrid run time Image:

Thanks for your spending time to my question.


  • Put the EmployeeDetails is Observable Collection and All the Columns of the table write as the Property with OnPropertyChange include the Model Class.


    private string firstName;
    public string FirstName
     get {return firstName;}
     set { firstName = value; OnPropertyChange("FirstName");}