I'd like to be able to customize the id used with the json api adapter in active model serializers.
Namely, I have a project where the actual ruby-on-rails IDs for a particular model being serialized aren't considered public-facing for various reasons, but an alternate public-facing unique identifier is available.
I'd like to use this identifier as the id for the json api serialized content, but I have been unable to figure out any obvious way to override IDs within the json api serializer.
Basically, given models [{ id: 1, alt_id: '2aef7e'}, { id: 2, alt_id: '3b47c0' } ...]
I'd like a way to create a serialized version:
"id" : "2aef7e",
"type" : "my-model",
"attributes" : {...},
"relationships" : {...}
"id" : "3b47c0",
"type" : "my-model",
"attributes" : {...},
"relationships" : {...}
"included" : [ ... ]
instead of:
"id" : "1",
"type" : "my-model",
"attributes" : {...},
"relationships" : {...}
"id" : "2",
"type" : "my-model",
"attributes" : {...},
"relationships" : {...}
"included" : [ ... ]
but have been unable to find an obvious means of overriding the ID value for serialization.
You can define a method within the serializer to avoid using object's method.
class MySerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
attribute :id
def id