I am working on an enterprise application that uses Quartz 2.2.1. Trigger beans are configured in their XML, which included the relative cron expression.
Now, I have the need of programmatically creating triggers with custom fire times; these triggers also have to handle misfiring (I have to be sure that they get executed, even if the server is down at fire time). Is there a way to make quartz do the 'dirty' work without handling trigger persistency manually?
Thank you.
Easier than I thought, solution lies within the SimpleTrigger
// Update trigger infos
SimpleTrigger trigger = (SimpleTrigger)builder
.startAt( whenever you want it to start )
.withIntervalInMinutes( or any interval ).repeatForever() )
.endAt( whenever you want it to end)
This creates a quartz trigger living between start and end, and executing following the specified interval.
Misfire strategy can be specified as well.