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LISDKErrorAPIDomain error 403

I am trying to share a url, image and a text to linkedin through my app. But it shows an error as

The operation couldn’t be completed. (LISDKErrorAPIDomain error 403.)

My code is

func didLinkedinBtnPressed(cellObject: MyModel) {

        let tmp = ["comment": cellObject.strSocialText!,
                   "content": ["title":"AppName", "description":cellObject.strSocialText!,"submitted-url":cellObject.strWebSite!,"submitted-image-url":cellObject.strImageUrl!],"visibility": ["code": "anyone"]] as [String : Any]
        print("PostDtaa = \(tmp)")
        let postData = try? tmp, options: .prettyPrinted)

        let url = NSString(string:"")

        let permissions: [AnyObject] = [LISDK_BASIC_PROFILE_PERMISSION as AnyObject, LISDK_EMAILADDRESS_PERMISSION as AnyObject,LISDK_W_SHARE_PERMISSION as AnyObject]

        LISDKSessionManager.createSession(withAuth: permissions, state: nil, showGoToAppStoreDialog: true, successBlock: { (success) -> () in
            if LISDKSessionManager.hasValidSession() {

                LISDKAPIHelper.sharedInstance().postRequest(url as String, body: postData, success: { (_ response) in
                    print(response ?? "")
                   self.simpleAlert(titleOfAlert: "Success", messageOfAlert: "Shared Successfully")


                }, error: { (_errorRes) in
                    print(_errorRes?.localizedDescription ?? "No Error!!!")



        }, errorBlock: { (error) -> () in
            print("%s", "error called!")


Why am i getting a 403 error here?


  • I experimented a similar issue in the past it was related to the w_share permission

    from the linkedin doc

    Required permission: w_share

    Whether set as a default permission in your app settings or requested specifically via the scope argument during your authentication process, you will need to request the w_share member permission in order for your application to successfully make the API call to share content.

    w_share is disabled by default so it has to be explicitly enabled enter image description here

    NOTE: the token could be cached by app so in order to be sure that a new token (with the updated permissions) is used, I strongly suggest you to uninstall everything from your mobile device and re-install it again.