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set toastr.js options for each toast type individually

Is it possible to set toastr options for each toast type individually?

My toastr code

toastr.options = {
  "closeButton": true,
  "debug": false,
  "newestOnTop": false,
  "progressBar": false,
  "positionClass": "toast-bottom-right",
  "preventDuplicates": false,
  "onclick": null,
  "showDuration": "300",
  "hideDuration": "1000",
  "timeOut": "60000",
  "extendedTimeOut": "60000",
  "showEasing": "swing",
  "hideEasing": "linear",
  "showMethod": "fadeIn",
  "hideMethod": "fadeOut"

const infoMessage = $(".js-toast-message-info").html();
if (infoMessage && infoMessage.length > 0) {;

const errorMessage = $(".js-toast-message-error").html();
if (errorMessage && errorMessage.length > 0) {

const warningMessage = $(".js-toast-message-warning").html();
if (warningMessage && warningMessage.length > 0) {

const successMessage = $(".js-toast-message-success").html();
if (successMessage && successMessage.length > 0) {

I already tried to put the different options types I want in the if statement of the specific toastr type, but with no result.

Is there an easy way to achieve this?


  • You can create class e.g. Notifier which allows you to define different settings for specific message type.

    Here is a simple solution:

    toastr.options = {
      "closeButton": true,
      "debug": false,
      "newestOnTop": false,
      "progressBar": false,
      "positionClass": "toast-bottom-right",
      "preventDuplicates": false,
      "onclick": null,
      "showDuration": "300",
      "hideDuration": "1000",
      "timeOut": "60000",
      "extendedTimeOut": "60000",
      "showEasing": "swing",
      "hideEasing": "linear",
      "showMethod": "fadeIn",
      "hideMethod": "fadeOut"
    class Notifier {
        constructor(opt) {
        this.dflt = {
            info: {
            "closeButton": false
          success: {
            "progressBar": true
          warning: {
          error: {
        this.cfg = _.defaults(opt, this.dflt);
      info(msg, tl, cfgOvr) {
        this.notify('info', msg, tl, cfgOvr);
      success(msg, tl, cfgOvr) {
        this.notify('success', msg, tl, cfgOvr);
      warning(msg, tl, cfgOvr) {
        this.notify('warning', msg, tl, cfgOvr);
      error(msg, tl, cfgOvr) {
        this.notify('error', msg, tl, cfgOvr);
      notify(lvl, msg, tl, cfgOvr) {
        let cfg = this.cfg[lvl];
        if (cfgOvr) {
          cfg = _.defaults(cfgOvr, cfg);
        toastr[lvl](msg, tl, cfg);
    const notifier = new Notifier();'a', 'b');

    What is good in the above, you can set your defaults, override them in constructor and additionally override for specific message usage.

    working JSFiddle