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Using pointers and references, can't figure out why DFS is recurring infinitely

I'm trying to implement a simple DFS on a directed graph using homemade data structures (HashMap and LinkedList) to learn C++, but for some reason the DFS method is infinitely recurring.

I think it's infinitely recurring because for some reason the nodes stored in the hashmap (the graph) are not actually being marked visited during the DFS. I thought I understood pointers and references but apparently I do not. I would appreciate it if someone could help me see what I'm doing wrong.

Here's the infinitely recurring DFS method:

template <class T>
bool Graph<T>::DFS(const T& v1, const T& v2) {
    if(v1 == v2)
        return true;

    Graph<T>::Node * node = *(map->find(v1));
    node->visited = true;

    for(int i = 0; i < node->adjacent->size(); i++) 
        if(node->adjacent->get(i).visited == false) 
            return DFS(node->adjacent->get(i).data, v2);

    return false;

Here's the HashMap class find() method

template <class K, class V>
V* HashMap<K, V>::find(const K& key) const {
    int bucket = (int) hash_fn(key) % arrLength;

    HashMap<K, V>::Node * temp = buckets[bucket];
    while(temp != NULL && temp->key != key)
        temp = temp->next;
    if(temp == NULL)
        return NULL;
        return &(temp->value);

Here's the Graph class

template <class T>
class Graph {
    struct Node {
        T data;
        bool visited;
        LinkedList<Node> * adjacent;
        Node() {
            adjacent = nullptr;
            visited = false;
        Node(T data) {
            this->data = data;
            adjacent = new LinkedList<Node>();
            visited = false;
        void addEdge(const T& v1, const T& v2);
        bool DFS(const T& v1, const T& v2);

        HashMap<T, Graph<T>::Node*> * map;

template <class T>
Graph<T>::Graph() {
    map = new HashMap<T, Graph<T>::Node*>();

template <class T>
Graph<T>::~Graph() {
    map->~Map<T, Graph<T>::Node*>();

template <class T>                                  // directed graph
void Graph<T>::addEdge(const T& v1, const T& v2) {  // add edge from v1 to v2

    if(map->find(v1) == NULL)   
        map->insert(v1, new Graph<T>::Node(v1));
    if(map->find(v2) == NULL)
        map->insert(v2, new Graph<T>::Node(v2));

    (*map->find(v1))->adjacent->append( **map->find(v2) ); // oh god

Here's the Main method where I construct and populate the graph, and then call the DFS method.

int main() {

    Graph<int> * graph1 = new Graph<int>(); 
    graph1->addEdge(1, 5);
    graph1->addEdge(5, 9);
    graph1->addEdge(9, 20);

    graph1->DFS(1, 20);

    return 0;

Thanks in advance for any help or insight. -Bob


  • If anything your use of pointers looks almost random and arbitrary. You have pointers where they don't make sense: HashMap<T, Graph<T>::Node*>, and lack of pointers where there should be: LinkedList<Node> * adjacent.

    You also use dynamic allocation in places that make no sense, like the afformentioned adjacent member of Node, and your cleanup is either non-existent (Graph::Node has no destructor, when it should have one), or completely broken (Graph<T>::~Graph() will lead to a guaranteed memory leak).

    Furthermore, nothing ever cleans up your visited flag, so only one call to DFS will ever work.

    Bluntly put, there are a LOT of problem with your code, both design-wise, and implementation-wise.

    Your specific DFS issue probably comes from using LinkedList<Node> instead of LinkedList<Node*> for the adjency list, because that likely causes the graph to become a massive DAG with subgraphs copied into the adjency list, but it's hard to tell without knowing how LinkedList<> is implemented.

    Edit I feel kinda bad for just bluntly saying "this is bad accross the board", here's how I'd implement your code correctly (using the stl instead of your custom containers):

    #include <unordered_map>
    #include <vector>
    template<typename T>
    class Graph {
      struct Node {
        T data;
        bool visited;
        std::vector<Node*> adjacent;
        Node(T const& d) : data(d), visited(false) {}
      inline void addEdge(T const& v1, T const& v2);
      inline bool DFS(T const& v1, T const& v2);
      inline bool DFS_recur(T const& v1, T const& v2);
      std::unordered_map<T, Node> map;
    template<typename T>
    void Graph<T>::addEdge(T const& v1, T const& v2) {
      auto v1_found = map.emplace(v1, v1).first;
      auto v2_found = map.emplace(v2, v2).first;
    template<typename T>
    bool Graph<T>::DFS(T const& v1, T const& v2) {
      auto result = DFS_recur(v1, v2);
      // Return to the invariant state.
      for(auto & n : map) {
        n.second.visited = false;
      return result;
    template<typename T>
    bool Graph<T>::DFS_recur(T const& v1, T const& v2) {
      if(v1 == v2) return true;
      auto v1_found = map.find(v1);
      // If v1 is not in the map, we'll be in trouble.
      if(v1_found == map.end()) return false;
      v1_found->second.visited = true;
      for(auto const & neighbour : v1_found->second.adjacent) {
        if(!neighbour->visited) {
          return DFS_recur(neighbour->data, v2);
      return false;
    int main() {
        Graph<int> graph1;
        graph1.addEdge(1, 5);
        graph1.addEdge(5, 9);
        graph1.addEdge(9, 20);
        graph1.DFS(1, 20);
        return 0;

    Notice how all the memory management is handled through RAII, not a new or delete in sight.