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How to display a date by using c:out tag in some format

I am using JSTL. I want to display a date in JSP using <c:out ..> tag.

I tried <c:out value = "<fmt:formatdate value = '${datevar}'"/>.

But it displays as <fmt:formatdate value = '${datevar}' in the HTML.

What needs to be changed to display date with expected format?


  • You don't need <c:out> and the tag is actually called <fmt:formatDate> (note the uppercase D).

    <fmt:formatDate value="${datevar}" pattern="MM/yyyy" />

    If you actually want to store it in some variable to redisplay later in <c:out>, then use var attribute.

    <fmt:formatDate value="${datevar}" pattern="MM/yyyy" var="newdatevar" />
    <c:out value="${newdatevar}" />