Here is the situation. I use Google Play Location services and MapBox API Maps. When I launch the app I immediately display current user location on A map:
private void add() {
currentMarker = new MarkerOptions()
and update my marker position of location changes:
private void update() {
mMapBoxMap.clear();//Clear map so no multiple current location markers
currentMarker = new MarkerOptions()
Then, when the current location is displayed I allow a user to click on a map and set his destination(His current location is origin):
mMapBoxMap.setOnMapClickListener(new MapboxMap.OnMapClickListener() {
public void onMapClick(@NonNull LatLng point) {
MarkerOptions markerOptions = new MarkerOptions().position(point);
destinationLat = point.getLatitude();
destinationLng = point.getLongitude();
When I click on a map, it erases every marker and puts a new destination marker, later on a current location marker appears.
My questions:
You need to use the reference of the marker and use removeMarker()
to only remove certain markers. So have a variable:
Marker myDestinationMarker = mapboxMap.addMarker(markerOptions);
and then right above it use:
if (myDestinationMarker != null) {
Note two things, you can use setPosition
instead of adding/removing markers and for showing user location, we offer the LocationLayer Plugin.