I was going through the API docs for jdk.accessibility
and noticed that it lists all these separately.
The modules with scope requires
in one module are all consuming module's Indirect Requires?
The module-info.java
for the module is as follows:
module jdk.accessibility {
requires transitive java.desktop;
exports com.sun.java.accessibility.util;
and for java.desktop
is something like(trying to include varying -
module java.desktop {
requires java.prefs;
requires transitive java.xml;
exports java.applet;
exports sun.awt to
opens javax.swing.plaf.basic to jdk.jconsole;
uses javax.sound.sampled.spi.MixerProvider;
provides javax.sound.sampled.spi.MixerProvider with
But then the doc for jdk.accessibility
does not mention sun.awt
as either Requires or Indirect Requires or Indirect Exports. What's the reason of inconsistency here?
Looking for examples of the difference between these that can help understand what is happening in (2) and what shall be followed as a practice for us to adapt to module structure using Java9.
Note that in:
module java.desktop {
exports sun.awt to
that sun.awt
is a package, not a module name. (Here is another example.) So it makes sense that sun.awt
would not be mentioned in the doc, as java.desktop
is already cited.
Edit: Also, note that for clients of the jdk.accessibility
module, the sun.awt
package is not accessible. That is, it is exported by java.desktop
for use by jdk.accessibility
but does not become part of its API. I have confirmed (example here) that this is true even though jdk.accessibility
requires java.desktop
as transitive