I see in the GJS GObject overrides there are definitions for most types that correspond to Javascript types, but how should I define a property for a standard Array of strings? Some options that have occurred to me:
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I have successfully used the second option (GVariant with type as
) in the past. The GList option won't work, since GJS doesn't pay attention to the type of values stored in the GList. The third option I'm not sure about.
Here's a minimal example showing how to use the GVariant option:
const GObject = imports.gi.GObject;
const GLib = imports.gi.GLib;
const MyClass = GObject.registerClass({
Properties: {
'prop': GObject.param_spec_variant('prop', 'Prop', 'Prop',
new GLib.VariantType('as'), null,
}, class MyClass extends GObject.Object {
get prop() {
return new GLib.Variant('as', ['one', 'two']);
print(new MyClass().prop.deep_unpack());
(If you're not using the new class syntax, it still works in a similar way with the old Lang.Class