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Credentials for the Xcode Server xcs.couch database

Xcode 9 introduces a new version of the Xcode Server (no longer bundled with with The backing couchdb instance for Xcode Server can be accessed through


In previous versions you were able to examine the documents and even modify if needed. (For instance, I previously did this to artificially inflate an integration number when setting up a bot on a different server. I use the $(XCS_INTEGRATION_NUMBER) variable for my build numbers.)

Now, the database requires credentials. I know you can find the password in


But does anyone know the username?


  • After more investigation I found my answer...


    This file contains the basic CouchDB configuration for the Xcode Server. Under the [admins] section is a username=password list.

    The default username for the Xcode Server CouchDB instance is xcscouchadmin