I am using Ionic 2 framework and want to implement highcharts.
I followed this step https://forum.ionicframework.com/t/ionic-2-and-highcharts-modules/59365/2 from mharington (ionic team) to setup my first high chart.
The error I get is I can't import it but I installed with node modules
angular2-highcharts include in my node_modules
please help
To use HighChart in Ionic 2 you must:
npm install highcharts --save
Load module on the page where you want to use the charts
declare var require: any;
let hcharts = require('highcharts');
On the activity.html
<div #graph></div>
and finally
initLapChart() {
hcharts.chart(this.div.nativeElement, {
chart: {..}
I hope I was clear.