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Generating similar estimates of interactions in afex, lsmeans, and lme4 packages

I would like to know if there is a way get the same estimates of an interaction effect in afex & lsmeans packages as in lmer. The toy data below is for two groups with different intercepts and slopes.

A0 <- rnorm(4,2,1)
B0 <- rnorm(4,2+3,1)
A1 <- rnorm(4,6,1)
B1 <- rnorm(4,6+2,1)
A2 <- rnorm(4,10,1)
B2 <- rnorm(4,10+1,1)
A3 <- rnorm(4,14,1)
B3 <- rnorm(4,14+0,1)
score <- c(A0,B0,A1,B1,A2,B2,A3,B3)
id <- factor(rep(1:8,times = 4, length = 32))
time <- factor(rep(0:3, each = 8, length = 32))
timeNum <- as.numeric(rep(0:3, each = 8, length = 32))
group <- factor(rep(c("A","B"), times =2, each = 4, length = 32))
df <- data.frame(id, group, time, timeNum, score)

And here is the plot

(ggplot(df, aes(x = time, y = score, group = group)) + 
    stat_summary(fun.y = "mean", geom = "line", aes(linetype = group)) +
    stat_summary(fun.y = "mean", geom = "point", aes(shape = group), size = 3) +
    coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0,18)))

When I run a standard lmer on the data looking for an estimate of the difference in change in score over time between groups.

summary(modelLMER <- lmer(score ~ group * timeNum + (timeNum|id), df))

I get an estimate for the group*time interaction of -1.07, which means that the increase in score for a one-unit increase in time is ~1 point less in group B than group A. This estimate matches the preset differences I built into the dataset.

What I would like to know is how to do a similar thing in the afex and lsmeans packages.


First I generated the afex model object

modelLM <- aov_ez(id="id", dv="score", data=df, between="group", within="time", 
                 type=3, return="lm")

Then passed that into the lsmeans function

lsMeansLM <- lsmeans(modelLM, ~rep.meas:group) 

My goal is to generate an accurate estimate of the group*time interaction in afex and lsmeans. To do so requires specifying custom contrast matrices based on the split specified in the lsmeans function above.

groupMain = list(c(-1,-1,-1,-1,1,1,1,1)) # group main effect
linTrend = list(c(-3,-1,1,3,-3,-1,1,3)) # linear trend
linXGroup = mapply("*", groupMain, linTrend) # group x linear trend interaction

Then I made a master list

contrasts <- list(groupMain=groupMain, linTrend=linTrend, linXGroup=linXGroup)

Which I passed into the contrast function in lsmeans.

contrast(lsMeansLM, contrasts)

The F and p values in the output match those for the automatic tests for linear trend and for the group difference in linear trend generated from a mixed ANCOVA in SPSS. However the mixed ANCOVA does not generate an estimate.

The estimate of the effect using the procedure above, instead of being approx. -1, like in the lmer (and matching the difference I built into the data) is approx. -10, which is wildly inaccurate.

I assume it has something to do with how I am coding the contrast coefficients. I know if I normalise the coefficients of the groupMain matrix by dividing all coefficients by four that yields an accurate estimate of the main effect of group averaged across all timepoints. But I have no idea how to get an accurate estimate either of linear trend averaged across groups (linTrend), or an accurate estimate of the difference in linear trend across groups (linXGroup).

I am not sure if this question is more suitable for here or Cross Validated. I figured here first because it seems to be software related, but I know there are probably deeper issues involved. Any help would be much appreciated.


  • The issue here is that timeNum is a numeric predictor. Therefore, the interaction is a comparison of slopes. Note this:

    > lstrends(modelLMER, ~group, var = "timeNum")
     group timeNum.trend       SE  df lower.CL upper.CL
     A          4.047168 0.229166 6.2 3.490738 4.603598
     B          2.977761 0.229166 6.2 2.421331 3.534191
    Degrees-of-freedom method: satterthwaite 
    Confidence level used: 0.95 
    > pairs(.Last.value)
     contrast estimate        SE  df t.ratio p.value
     A - B    1.069407 0.3240897 6.2     3.3  0.0157

    There's your 1.07 - the opposite sign because the comparison is in the other direction.

    I will further explain that the lsmeans result you describe in the question is a comparison of the two group means, not an interaction contrast. lsmeans uses a reference grid:

    > ref.grid(modelLMER)
    'ref.grid' object with variables:
        group = A, B
        timeNum = 1.5

    and as you can see, timeNum is being held fixed at its mean of 1.5. The LS means are predictions for each group at timeNum = 1.5 -- often called the adjusted means; and the difference is thus the difference between those two adjusted means.

    Regarding the discrepancy claimed in obtaining your linear contrast of about 10.7: The linear contrast coefficients c(-3,-1,1,3) give you a multiple of the slope of the line. To get the slope, you need to divide by sum(c(-3,-1,1,3)^2) -- and also multiply by 2, because the contrast coefficients increment by 2.