I am basically trying to add a node that I create after an existing node. Here, I have a list of the parent node (Tag) and a list of the child node (Name). I want to add the the node I created after the child node. I have stepped through each iteration and the correct changes are made each iteration but it does not save properly when going to the next iteration.
<Tag><Name>NAME 1</Name></Tag>
<Tag><Name>NAME 2</Name></Tag>
<Tag><Name>NAME 3</Name></Tag>
<Tag><Name>NAME 1</Name></Tag>
<Tag><Name>NAME 2</Name></Tag>
<Tag><Name>NAME 3</Name><Node>Node Inner Text</Node></Tag>
<Tag><Name>NAME 1</Name><Node>Node Inner Text</Node></Tag>
<Tag><Name>NAME 2</Name><Node>Node Inner Text</Node></Tag>
<Tag><Name>NAME 3</Name><Node>Node Inner Text</Node></Tag>
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); // Create an XML document object
xmlDoc.Load("test.xml"); // Load the XML document from the specified file
XmlNodeList NameList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//Tag/Name");
XmlNodeList TagList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//Tag");
//create ---> <Node>Node Inner Text</Node>
XmlNode NodeToAdd = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Node");
NodeToAdd.InnerText = "Node Inner Text";
for (int i = 0; i < TagList.Count; i++)
TagList[i].InsertAfter(NodeToAdd, NameList[i]);
The reason is that you are inserting same instance of created XmlNode
So InsertAfter
method will move existed node from previous <Tag>
node to next.
You can create new node inside loop then you will get expected output
for (int i = 0; i < TagList.Count; i++)
XmlNode NodeToAdd = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Node");
NodeToAdd.InnerText = "Node Inner Text";
TagList[i].InsertAfter(NodeToAdd, NameList[i]);