I'm using Linkify to search for strings that come after the @symbol
. Why don't they turn into links in my TextView? Do I have to set something else in the XML like android:linksClickable="true"
Pattern userMatcher = Pattern.compile("\\B@[^:\\s]+");
String userViewURL = ".activity.UserProfileActivity://";
Linkify.addLinks(feedItemView.messageText, userMatcher, userViewURL);
I used the following code:
Linkify.TransformFilter filter = (match, url) -> match.group();
Pattern mentionPattern = Pattern.compile("@([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)");
String mentionScheme = "http://www.twitter.com/";
Linkify.addLinks(feedItemView.messageText, mentionPattern, mentionScheme, null, filter);
I also made sure to remove android:autoLink="all"
from that TextView's XML. This will remove auto link functionality for web links so then you'd want to add this to method that handles displaying that TextView:
Pattern urlPattern = Patterns.WEB_URL;
Linkify.addLinks(tweet, urlPattern, null, null, filter);