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What are the basic steps should I follow to make a photo realistic avatar?

Can you help me find the right step by step process of rendering a photo realistic avatar in web?


  1. I need a avatar for Men's tailor made suit that renders photo realistic fabric.

  2. I need the avatar to move in circular motion seamlessly.

  3. I need the avatar to be use in web browser or to be render in web.

  4. How can I make it an API based?

Was it easier if I just could make this an app? or my browser need to download any plugin to render it smoothly?

Thanks in advance.


    1. Use DAZ3d, Zbrush, Mudbox or your skill in another 3d software. If your good your avatar will be good.
    2. Make an animation of your avatar turning 360 degrees and loop it in Unity.
    3. Use Unity to make webgl App
    4. You can communicate from browser to your webgl App and you can make api how you like. If you explain your api needs i can be more precise.