This is how I set the test up. I made a site with 5 pages, namely "Home", "Sub page 1"->"Sub page 3" and "About". On all of them I have the exact same code:
<!-- Yahoo! Web Analytics - All rights reserved -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="">
<script type="text/javascript">
/*globals YWA*/
var YWATracker = YWA.getTracker("*************");
YWATracker.setDocumentGroup("Top level pages");
<img src="*************&js=no" width="1" height="1" alt="" />
Although of course, all 5 pages have an identical value in setDocumentName()
, namely "Home", "Subpage1", "Subpage2", "Subpage3" and "About".
Now how come all the visits to the subpages are logged as "Home" in the "Entries by Title" report? Even though I browsed the site evenly through all the pages, my report says something like:
Home: 67
About: 21
Any ideas?
"Entries by Title" report shows the original entry page the user started the visit on, for the duration of a visit. So if you for instance go to "home" and then leave and then come back to for instance "subpage2" (be it an external site or some page on your site that is not tagged with YWA code), and it's still within the same visit, it will count the hit for "home" because that was the entry page for the visit (read up on YWA's definition of a visit).