Continue previous question I'm failing to execute scripting in velocity 2.0,
I use jars: velocity-engine-scripting-2.0.jar, velocity-engine-scripting-2.0.jar, commons-collections-3.2.2.jar
I'm trying to follow developer guide example:
ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();
manager.registerEngineName("velocity", new VelocityScriptEngineFactory());
ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("velocity");
System.setProperty(VelocityScriptEngine.VELOCITY_PROPERTIES, "path/to/");
String script = "Hello $world";
Writer writer = new StringWriter();
Object result = engine.eval(script);
I'm getting slf4j
error when init, I'm using slf4j-jdk14.jar. I didn't find solution fir this specific error even after adding slf4j-api-1.8.0-alpha2.jar
class org.apache.velocity.script.VelocityScriptEngine
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.slf4j.Logger.trace(Ljava/lang/String;)V
at org.apache.velocity.runtime.RuntimeInstance.init(
at org.apache.velocity.script.VelocityScriptEngine.initVelocityEngine(
at org.apache.velocity.script.VelocityScriptEngine.compile(
at org.apache.velocity.script.VelocityScriptEngine.compile(
.EDIT 1:
I found interesting comment in slf4j FAQ about Velocity:
The logging strategy adopted by the Velocity project is a good example of the "custom logging abstraction" anti-pattern. By adopting an independent logging abstraction strategy, Velocity developers have made life harder for themselves, but more importantly, they made life harder for their users.
Velocity dependencies in Runtime are: slf4j-api 1.7.25 and commons-lang 3.5 which I added to classpath but still same error
The documentation excerpt you found in the FAQ is clearly outdated.
The dependencies page clearly states that while slf4j-api is needed at compile and runtime, you also need to choose one of the slf4j bindings, for instance slf4j-simple which will log to stderr by default.