I actually have a text file containing uint8 data like this:
[0, 18, 121] bl
[0, 19, 12] gt
[24, 19, 22] apa
[0, 18, 1] bl
[24, 19, 22] apa bpa
[1, 2, 3] apa
What I ultimately want is a struct, say A
, with fields containing this data as:
A.bl= [0, 18, 121;
0, 18, 1 ];
A.gt = [0, 19, 12];
A.apa = [24,19,22];
A.apa_bpa = [24,19, 22] or A.apabpa= [24, 19, 22]
So what the above example shows is to find the multiple instances of the matrix and stack them into one. If there is a space in the name, remove the space or replace that with underscore.
Until now, I have:
A = importdata('file.txt');
which creates a cell array (20,000 x 1 for my original data) containing the data. I know the names of the matrices already that the text file will have. So I tried to differentiate the matrices like the following which gives me the cell containing the matrices and its name:
A(~cellfun(@isempty, strfind(A,'bl')))
How do I proceed? Or What would be a simpler solution to this problem with more speed?
I would use textscan
instead of importdata
in this case, since you're dealing with mixed data types:
fid = fopen('file.txt');
data = textscan(fid, '[%d%d%d%s', 'Delimiter', ',]', 'CollectOutput', true);
values = data{1};
fields = data{2};
Which gives you the following results in values
and fields
values =
6×3 int32 matrix
0 18 121
0 19 12
24 19 22
0 18 1
24 19 22
1 2 3
fields =
6×1 cell array
'apa bpa'
Now you can replace spaces in fields
with underscores using strrep
, find the unique strings with unique
, get the number of repeats of each string with accumarray
, sort the rows of values
to match the list of unique field names, and group rows of values
using mat2cell
[fields, ~, index] = unique(strrep(fields, ' ', '_'));
counts = accumarray(index, 1);
[~, sortIndex] = sort(index);
values = mat2cell(values(sortIndex, :), counts);
Now you can easily put it all together into a structure using cell2struct
S = cell2struct(values, fields)
S =
struct with fields:
apa: [2×3 int32]
apa_bpa: [24 19 22]
bl: [2×3 int32]
gt: [0 19 12]