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@ManagedProperty(value = "#{}") in a non-request Scope Bean

I need to pass a parameter (POST) to a @managedBean, I used managed properties like this:

@ManagedProperty(value = "#{}")
private int id;

And the scope of the Bean is ViewScope

I end up with this error:

Unable to create managed bean receipt. The following problems were found: - The scope of the object referenced by expression #{}, request, is shorter than the referring managed beans scope of view

What can I do?

arjan take a look:

My page: Facelet Title

<form method="post" action="faces/index.xhtml">
  <input name="id" value="4" />
  <input type="submit" value="submit" />

  <h:commandLink value="click" action="index">
    <f:param id="id" name="id" value="20"/>


  • Two ways:

    1. Make the bean request scoped and inject the view scoped one as another @ManagedProperty.

      public class RequestBean {
          private Integer id;
          private ViewBean viewBean;

      The view scoped bean is available during @PostConstruct and action methods of request scoped bean. You only need to keep in mind that the id can get lost when you do a postback to the same view without the parameter.

    2. Or, grab it manually from the request parameter map during bean's initialization.

      public class ViewBean {
          private Integer id;
          public void init() {
              id = Integer.valueOf(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("id"));       

      This way the initial id is available during the entire view scope.