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Fetch total Memory of Android Device

I am trying to fetch the total memory of the Android device. But it returns me as 24GB. However, The total internal memory of the device is 32GB.

I tried using ...

public long getInternalFreeSpace()    {
    //Get free Bytes...
    long bytesAvailable = stat.getBlockSizeLong() * stat.getAvailableBlocksLong();
    return bytesAvailable;


  • Use this:

    public static long getAvailableInternalMemorySize() {
        File path = Environment.getDataDirectory();
        StatFs stat = new StatFs(path.getPath());
        long blockSize = stat.getBlockSize();
        long availableBlocks = stat.getAvailableBlocks();
        long size = availableBlocks * blockSize;
        long availableBlocksInKB = size /= 1024;
        long availableBlocksInMB = availableBlocksInKB /= 1024;
        return availableBlocksInMB;