I am working with draggable and sortable with vueJS, and i am trying to accomplish a thing, basicly i have 2 lists, the first one is a list with some sections like (table, paragraph ...) the second one are building blocks with this sections, but basicly the flow i need is, drag a element from list1 to list2, but don't add the element this is important because i need to open a modal first to set the properties of the element that will be added, and then add it to the futureIndex.
At the moment i have a solution where i can do almost what i need, i just need to understand how to cancel the addition of the element without struggling with the preview of the dragging, with preview i mean this:
i wanna see the adition of the elment at the middle.
So my first list i have done this:
<draggable v-model="sectionList" class="dragArea" @end="changeView()" :move="moveItem" :options="{group:{ name:'sections',pull:'clone',put:false }}">
<div v-for="(section, index) in sectionList" class="card card-color list-complete-item">
<div class="card-block">
<h4 class="card-title text-center">{{section.text}}</h4>
methods: {
addParagraph() {
this.$set(this.paragraph, 'key', this.key);
this.$set(this.paragraph, 'text', this.text);
this.$set(this.paragraph, 'fontSize', this.fontSize);
this.$store.commit("appendToDocument", this.paragraph)
changeView: function () {
this.$store.commit("changeCurrentView", this.sectionList[this.dragedIndex].component);
show() {
hide() {
currentIndex(evt) {
moveItem(evt) { // future index of the modal that will be draged
this.dragedIndex = evt.draggedContext.index;
the second list is not that important, as long as i can understand with this post, how to move the item without adding it and see the preview. i had added the return false at the end but with that i can't see the preview and i can't drag elements between the same list.
Any help with this?
The sortable
itself, the library Vue.draggable
is based on, doesn't have a drop
event handler (link), but this can get you started: https://jsfiddle.net/94z81596/10/. The key idea is making use of the change
The solution can be even simpler, you can just keep track of the futureIndex
(and save it into the placeholder
) and return false
in checkMove
and then manually insert the item yourself through Vuex
. My current solution is already doing the almost same thing.
But I intended to keep the preview so the user can know where they're inserting the element. So I did some work to clean the list by doing this:
state.document = state.document.filter((item) => item.value);