I have connected to the SQL server through R and have the following code. I want to create a reference outside the query for the Factsetdate
(see bold below). This would mean to take out the SELECT DATEADD....
components out the query and add it to a variable called Date1
for example. Is there a way to do this? Thanks
"SELECT fc.[FactSet Fund Code], fc.FactsetDate, fc.[Asset Class], fc.[Fund Manager],
d.Id AS DeskID, d.[Name] AS DeskName, fc.[% Factor Risk], fc.[Predicted Tracking Error],
fc.[Portfolio Predicted Beta]
FROM [PortfolioAnalytics].[Data_Factset].[FundChar] fc
LEFT OUTER JOIN Data_Axioma.FactSetAccount fsa ON fc.FactsetAccountCode = REPLACE(fsa.Code, '_', '')
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Portfolio p ON fsa.PortfolioId = p.Id
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Mandate m ON p.UnderlyingId = m.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Desk d ON m.DeskId = d.Id
WHERE IncludesCash = 1
AND [FactSet Fund Code] IS NOT NULL
AND [Fund Manager] IS NOT NULL
AND [Asset Class] IS NOT NULL
AND FactsetDate = **(SELECT DATEADD(d,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,GETDATE()),0)))**
ORDER BY [Predicted Tracking Error] DESC"))
This is how to paste a string from an R object into a SQL query within R:
sql <- paste("select *
from MyDB.dbo.DIM_Person s
where OppSFId in ('",
paste(sept$OppSFId,collapse = "','"),"')",sep = "")
sept.person <- sqlQuery(db,sql)
where my character vector is called sept$OppSFId
So, if I understand your example correctly, your character vector will be called Date1
and you want to substitute it in like this:
SQLCommandEOM <- data.frame(sqlQuery(myConn, paste('"SELECT fc.[FactSet Fund Code], fc.FactsetDate, fc.[Asset Class], fc.[Fund Manager],
d.Id AS DeskID, d.[Name] AS DeskName, fc.[% Factor Risk], fc.[Predicted Tracking Error],
fc.[Portfolio Predicted Beta]
FROM [PortfolioAnalytics].[Data_Factset].[FundChar] fc
LEFT OUTER JOIN Data_Axioma.FactSetAccount fsa ON fc.FactsetAccountCode = REPLACE(fsa.Code, '_', '')
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Portfolio p ON fsa.PortfolioId = p.Id
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Mandate m ON p.UnderlyingId = m.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Desk d ON m.DeskId = d.Id
WHERE IncludesCash = 1
AND [FactSet Fund Code] IS NOT NULL
AND [Fund Manager] IS NOT NULL
AND [Asset Class] IS NOT NULL
AND FactsetDate =', Date1,
'ORDER BY [Predicted Tracking Error] DESC"))')